IRIX Installation Tools & Overlays 2002 November
SGI IRIX Installation Tools & Overlays 2002 November - Disc 3.iso
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3. _G_e_n_e_r_a_l__I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n
This chapter lists general information about IRIS Digital
Media Development Environment (_d_m_e_d_i_a__d_e_v).
3.1 _C_h_a_n_g_e_s__a_n_d__A_d_d_i_t_i_o_n_s
This section lists changes/additions to the IRIS Digital
Media Development Environment since the IRIX 6.2 release.
+o Starting with IRIX 6.3, the Audio Library became a DSO
rather than a static library. Three versions (o32, n32,
n64) of this library, _l_i_b_a_u_d_i_o._s_o, are shipped in the
digital media execution environment _d_m_e_d_i_a__e_o_e.
Applications built using versions of _l_i_b_a_u_d_i_o._a from
previous IRIX releases should continue to operate
correctly without recompile on the 6.3 and later
+o The version of the Audio Library (2.0) which began
shipping with IRIX 6.3 introduced many new features (in
addition to the existing API shipped in 6.2 and earlier
releases) including the ability to support more than
one audio I/O device in a system. The IRIX 6.5 version
adds support for digital audio subcode and asynchronous
event distribution. It also includes numerous
performance improvements.
+o Starting with IRIX 6.3, the Movie Library is now
composed of a pair of high-level DSO's, _l_i_b_m_o_v_i_e_f_i_l_e._s_o
and _l_i_b_m_o_v_i_e_p_l_a_y._s_o, which contain the public movie API
calls, together with a few private rendering and
display port DSO modules (see
/_u_s_r/_l_i_b/_d_m_e_d_i_a/_m_o_v_i_e/*._s_o) which are loaded internally
by the movie playback DSO. Applications may link with
either "-lmovieplay -lmoviefile" or just "-lmoviefile"
depending on their requirements. Applications do not
link directly with the low-level rendering/display
modules. Applications built using versions of
_l_i_b_m_o_v_i_e._a or _l_i_b_m_o_v_i_e_G_L._a from previous IRIX releases
should continue to operate correctly without recompile
on 6.3 and later releases. See the "Movie Library"
chapter of these release notes for more information.
+o Support for creating MPEG I Systems and Video has been
added to the Movie Library. See the "Movie Library"
chapter for more information.
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+o The Movie Library now supports AVI file creation and
+o The Movie Library and Digital Media Library now provide
high-level and low-level access respectively to Indeo
+o A new API for image compression (both for software
codecs and for real-time memory-to-memory codecs
implemented using special hardware devices) has been
added to the Digital Media Library, _l_i_b_d_m_e_d_i_a._s_o.
Developers creating new digital media applications
should make use of this new Image Conversion API (_d_m_I_C)
for memory-to-memory compression rather than the older
Compression Library API.
The Compression Library continues to be provide the
public API for software MPEG-1 video decode and for
"in-line" motion JPEG video codecs like Cosmo Compress
and Impact Compress (as opposed to realtime memory-to-
memory codecs such as the realtime JPEG encoder/decoder
implemented for the O2 workstation).
The Movie Library builds on top of the Digital Media
Library's Image Conversion API and uses it to leverage
the software codecs, the O2 workstation's realtime
memory-to-memory JPEG codec, and the optimized software
color space conversion (_d_m_C_o_l_o_r) routines in the
Digital Media Library.
The Compression Library DSO, _l_i_b_c_l._s_o, will be shipped
with future versions of IRIX and will continue to
provide IRIX 6.2 functionality for backward
compatibility with existing applications.
+o A key new Digital Media Buffer (_d_m_B_u_f_f_e_r) API has been
added to the Digital Media Library, _l_i_b_d_m_e_d_i_a._s_o. This
API provides a mechanism for sharing digital image data
(compressed or uncompressed) between different
subsystems including video I/O (the Video Library),
memory-to-memory compression (the new Image Conversion
API in the Digital Media Library), and graphics
(OpenGL). Uncompressed output data received from the O2
workstation's realtime JPEG decoder can be passed
directly to OpenGL as texture map data without copying
via this Digital Media Buffer system, for example.
+o A new Audio Conversion API (_d_m_A_C: software codecs,
sampling-rate conversion, channel matrix conversion,
sample format conversion) has been add to the Digital
Media Library, _l_i_b_d_m_e_d_i_a._s_o. This API includes support
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for a number of standard speech compression schemes,
MPEG-1 audio compression, and high-quality sampling-
rate conversion algorithms.
The Audio File Library is built on top of the Digital
Media Library's Audio Conversion API and uses it to
leverage the software codecs and conversion algorithms
bundled with the system.
+o Cinepak r Video encoding and MPEG-1 audio/video
encoding are now bundled with the base execution
environment starting with IRIX 6.3. End-users no longer
need to obtain NetLS or FlexLM licenses from SGI to
unlock these features. Developers can integrate these
capabilities into applications with the knowledge that
all SGI end-users running IRIX 6.3 or later will be
able to make use of these capabilities.
+o The new Digital Media Examples Guide is a companion to
the Digital Media Programming Guide. It looks at
several instructive programming examples in detail. The
source code for the programming examples is included in
the directory /_u_s_r/_s_h_a_r_e/_s_r_c/_d_m_e_d_i_a, which is installed
from the _d_m_e_d_i_a__d_e_v._s_r_c._e_x_a_m_p_l_e_s subsystem.
+o Two new utilities and the V-LAN support library have
been added to the digital media programming examples in
IRIX 6.5. The source for the avcapture and avplayback
tools for frame accurate uncompressed video capture and
playback with synchronized audio are found in
/_u_s_r/_s_h_a_r_e/_s_r_c/_d_m_e_d_i_a/_t_o_o_l_s/_c_a_p_t_u_r_e. The VLAN support
library source is found in
/_u_s_r/_s_h_a_r_e/_s_r_c/_d_m_e_d_i_a/_t_o_o_l_s/_v_l_a_n. See the README files
in those directories for further information.